Rest assured that no information given here will be shared or used for any other purpose than for family functions. You will be e-mailed a receipt and a security code. Also, there will be a space where you can leave messages and comments, all before you actually check out!
Over 30 minutes of Full Motion Video set to music - Plus an 11 minute moving Photo Montage
Stafford Family Pilgrimage April, 2006
See and hear Staffords singing "Amazing Grace" sung in the Historic, Cumberland Island African American Church
Copy of the actual DVD cover page, including image of "The Quarters" painting, African American Church interior, museum and the family photo taken at the pier in St. Mary's GA.
(Plays only in PC's)
Stafford Wright Matchett Family Reunion DVD for July, 2006
This is not for T-Shirt Sales
The 50 Minute Video on disk features highlights of all speakers on the program, interviews of several family members, both dances in their entirety, the Genealogy in its entirety and much more !